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都市の「シェルター」をリサーチするプロジェクト「Shelter Studies」。サンパウロ、カラカス、ボゴタ、ニューヨーク、ジュネーヴ、パリ、ロンドン、イスタンブール……世界の都市を巡り、そこに住まう人々への30のインタヴュー|Shelter Studies is project to research various 'Shelter' by Keisaku Fukuda+Robert Schmidt+Gonzalo Velez. They interview 30 key persons living in vulnerable urban space.|Powered by MT 2.65Syndicate this site

Name: Luciano Francelli
Profession: Viva Rio staff
Nationality: Brazilian
Date of Interview: Oct. 18th, 2006
URL: http://www.vivario.org.br/english/

Luciano is a young educated Brazilian engaged in the idea of making a difference. It wasn't always his dream to be engaged in non-profit work, but he found the job, and now he fights to keep the ideas and passions alive. His work is a constant struggle to find money to realize great ideas generated by the community and the organization.

Why did you start to work with Viva Rio and this kind of work?
When I was young, I knew about Viva Rio, and I saw their work with social mobilization, and the activists on television and radio. I learned something about that, and I always loved those kinds of actions, but I had no idea that I would someday work here. When I finished university, where I studied social communication media, I sent my resume here, and they called me for an interview!

What are some of the positive things you've seen?
All of our social mobilization should involve peace and social equality. There is a sense of partnership with the community, and the poor people who share this same city. It brings me a special feeling of hope, because I think that we can have a different future?

What are some of the negative things you've seen?
Working in a humanistic area, financial support, sponsership is a difficult struggle over time. There are many difficulties of trying to get an idea realized. It's not so easy to accomplish ideas, because you can't do it with no money.

What are your hopes/dreams for Viva Rio?
Viva Rio is changing since last year, because of the result of the great project was different than we thought. Our mission is the same to bring peace, social equality, and help develop society. But I think we can do these things in a different way. Because of that, this feeling, brings some questions now. I'm not sure how I can do that, but we have to think about this in a different way to complete this mission. But I am sure I have to continue with this.