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都市の「シェルター」をリサーチするプロジェクト「Shelter Studies」。サンパウロ、カラカス、ボゴタ、ニューヨーク、ジュネーヴ、パリ、ロンドン、イスタンブール……世界の都市を巡り、そこに住まう人々への30のインタヴュー|Shelter Studies is project to research various 'Shelter' by Keisaku Fukuda+Robert Schmidt+Gonzalo Velez. They interview 30 key persons living in vulnerable urban space.|Powered by MT 2.65Syndicate this site

Name: Rogerio Rodrigues
Profession: student. 2 Brothers Foundation (local ngo)
Nationality: Brazilian
Date of Interview: Oct. 17th, 2006
URL: http://www.2bros.org/

Within 15 minutes of meeting Rogerio we were at his house for his sister’s baby shower. Within the next hour we had met most of his family, and several of his friends. His life was completely open to us. There was no shame, no hiding who he was, where he lived. Rogerio has spent his whole life living in Rocinha (a slum in Rio), yet he can speak four languages, and is well mannered and as good natured as anybody I have ever met. He presents himself in a humble and simple dimeanor, but has a lot of pride and intelligence in what he does and in his family. He has aspirations to become a boxer, and to give back to the community through his work. He serves as the director for a small NGO teaching language to dozens of kids.

What is your name?
My name Rogerio Rodrigues.

What is your profession?
I'm a student.

What do you study now?
Currently, I'm applying for a scholarship for a public university in Rio.

What would you like to study?
I would like to study Portuguese Literature to help with the classes.

What is your background?
I was born in Rio de Janeiro, and grew up in Rocinha. My parents are from Sirad which is in the Northeast of Brazil, but my siblings were all born in Rocinha. I took classes in Rocinha until I was 10, and then in Gadia, the neighborhood next to Rocinha from the age of 11 to 18.

Why/How did you get involved with this activity with 2 Brothers Foundation?
I started as a student, and then I became a member of the board of directors. And now, for 3 years, I have worked as the coordinator for this project. (studying and working with 2bros)

Can you explain what 2Bros does?
We provide English, French, and Spanish classes. Also, we are trying to build a reading room from donations from the U.S., and also work with volunteers from the U.S., Europe, and Brazil as well. The volunteer job is one of our main concerns.

Could you tell us what would you like to do related to 2Bros in the future?
Keep working, and get a scholarship. I want to bring something back to the place where I grew up, where my friends and family are. What we have been talking about for the future is a network of NGO's in the favela, connecting with them, and helping the favela with education. The 2 Brothers Foundation's focus is Education.

Could you tell us what kind of possibility we have to cooperate with you in terms of upgrading the favela?
For you, I think, besides your research, one of most important things is learning about the favela and the people who are living here. Work with them, and let them show you about the life in the favela, and how the formal and informal relationship works.